Lessons 📝

Click a lesson to begin. If this is your first time, you should check out the Introduction lesson.

1. Introduction

The first lesson! Goes over general information on Python and what these lessons will teach you.

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2. Installation

Set up your environment to start programming and learn more about what an IDE is.

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3. First Program

Hello World!

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4. Variables & Comments

Learn how to use variables and make useful comments.

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5. Operators

Learn how to manipulate variables and solve math.

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6. Conditionals

Learn how selection works in computers.

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7. Loops

Learn how to repeat code.

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8. Storing Multiple Data

Learn how to store more in variables.

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9. Functions

Learn how to reuse code.

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10. Classes

Learn how OOP works.

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11. Modules

Learn how to use libraries.

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12. Going Further

Continuing your journey...

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